Sunday, November 21, 2010
WHITEOUT!!!!!!!! OMFG IT WAS BITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!! it goes till 4but we left at 11(lame rite) but whatevers :D IT WAS BITCHEN i dont see why people say raves arnt funn sober.... maybe its cuz it was my first <3 yah bluebear :D oh and bubbles she was awesome.
~ Toon Scraps!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
You're as beatiful as the moon
And as vibrant as the sky
I picked up you're heart
And won't drop it till u die
You keep me alive in the day
And let me sleep in the night
I hope after the next time we meet
You never drop out of my sight
Love. - Jeremy
and my response:
OMG! JEREMY I FUCKING CRYING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D u made go from a :( to a xDDDDDD have i told u how much i fucking love you? its like more then everyone in the whole fucking could ever dream of understanding... even me! I FREAKING LOVE YOU!!!!!!! ♥ -Gracie(yeah thats my poem got a problem....ok so its not but yeah thanx and love you x1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
heres a story i wrote for LA:
Some people swore that the house was haunted. But all they had to back up their claims was the stories other people told them. Most of them were fake too just to make themselves look cool. Posers. But I knew what was true because I was there at the hunted house on Elainey drive. Most people just called it The Ell House because the young women that lived there was Ell Lovi.
She was a beautiful art student with her red curly hair and freckles. She was studying photography in high school as a senior and was almost perfect the only thing that stopped her perfection was that she wasn’t that nice and got B’s and C’s in school. Also she lived with her dad and they always fought. But why does all that matter? Why does she matter? Well little voice in my head she matters because she was kidnapped.
Yes she was kidnapped and held in a house for about 5 years. When she was about 18 she was home one night alone of course and there was a robbery while she was upstairs. She ran down stairs and got knocked out. When she awoke she was in a totally new house smack in the middle of town but no one looked at it because it was hidden really well. That house became The Ell House. She lived there for 5 years then the man that held her got sick of her screaming and constant annoying behavior and well…she was killed. Her soul never left that house only for the purpose of haunting the man that kept her there for the rest of his life. He went crazy and thought electricity was a myth, tested his theory and died.
So now there are 2 souls there in that house. Their both mean, one because she was bitter to begin with then being there made her just plane evil. And he was mean because of her. They don’t like anyone. She doesn’t like men. And He doesn’t like women. So really if you go in there your going to be in for some bad stuff.
Back to me. Why was in the wretched house? Well it was nothing like a dare or my ball went in there and I had to get it. No, I wanted to. I know crazy. Why would anyone want to go in there? I wanted to see it for myself, see what all the hype was about. Well it wasn’t terrible. I had my 2 best friends there too. Sami Becker and Will Paymel. They wanted to go too. I guess we were all crazy.
So it was 2 days before we went to The Ell House. We went in the summer when we all had free time not on Halloween like all the lame movies do. We were in the wood’s our meet spot where we go whenever were seeing each other. It’s all close to each others house. There’s a hammock and some really good climbing trees too if we get bored. But we never do. There’s always something to do or talk about. That day it was how we’re going to get our parents to let us go to the house. There was the classic ‘tell you parents you’re sleeping at each others house.’ But that works best with just two people, not three. There’s ‘tell your parents the truth’ but really 3 kids in a hunted house for a night? Yeah like they would go for that. Or ‘tell them it’s for school’ but what teacher would make you go to a haunted house for school? We were totally blank on ideas. Then suddenly Sami yelled “How ‘bout we say were going to a sleepover and would be out all night?!” now I know that sounds just as crazy as the last three ideas but it was to us it was perfect because we knew someone that was having a sleep over and invited us but we said we couldn’t because we were going to The Ell House.
So the next day I called her and she thought it was great. Then I thought “but what if our parents call for us and were not there?” I asked her and she asked her mom if it was ok if they were to say we were there when we weren’t. She said it was fine. She wanted to know really what was up with that house too, so she was up for it. Then I called Sami and Will and we all told our parents about the sleep over and they all agreed. We were all stoked. The next day we were going to The Ell House! But nothing was the same after that day.
so ya like??
Monday, September 27, 2010
hey long time no see
but u 3/4 know jeremy? of course u do hes all i talk about. well i love him and he loves me....and i know this is sad but i might be in love with him.....fudge...i know i'll get hurt but its not like thats never happened... or i might not i really hope not tho for his and my sake...cuz i have at least 4 people that would kill him if he hurt's me...carys wants to kill him just for us making out....
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
After skool
0 prd- got planner
1st-(math) sum dumb game
2nd-(band) talked
3rd-(sci) a lab with Alka setzer
4th-(LA/SS)-Honor def.
5th-(SS/LA)- draw the usa
6th-(Choir)-into ourself
it was over all a boring day cuz all they did was talked to us... but yeah now to talk with my buds on fb then the little hw i have :D <33
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
sci.-colby(save me)
so yeah i just waned to do a post soooo i'll post after skool 2morrow :D <3>
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I havent been compleatly honest
but yeah we saw inception last Saturday and we kissed 3 times xDDDDDDDD oh and inception is really good but a bit confusing.... oh and y gabby knows is cuz she was there at the movies with us so that his parents didnt think he was going out with someone behind there back(which he is but THEY sure cant know that) so yeah oh and last part i only met him last sunday not like the 22 sunday but the 15th sunday... :D and were gonna go to another movie just the 2 of us this sat. b4 school cuz he goes to hyla. :(
Saturday, August 21, 2010
hey sexi
Ellen C
Justeen K
Audrey H
Jessica L
Hallie B
Maddie R
Emma L
Robin D
i met some awesome people, a really cool dude(gabby) and im not that mad at jake anymore and im pretty over jarrett :D so yeah u 3 are buds on fb of mine so imma go put up the pix 2day or 2morrow :D but yeah u can look at them i <3>
oh and inception ROX
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
idk what to say but imma say somting
Saturday, August 7, 2010
long time no c
oh and
ok so this should shock you or not idc
i just found out im bi.................... yeah i know...
i'll ttly <3>
Friday, July 30, 2010
sailing and shopping and almost perfic day :D
so kendall wasnt there cuz she over slept so max was there there wasnt that sunny just wind a good sailing day but not like 2day :D(more in a sec) really funn we went to the mouth of the harbor (oh and btw thats really far!!!):DDD it was so funn it was the second to last day so we didnt learn a hell of alot
:'((((( its the last day of sailing
well the morning was really foggy like u almost couldnt see seattle so..... but it was windy but then!!! the sun was just like HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! and i was really sunny and windy and B-E-A-UUUUU-TIFULLLLLL it was the best day for sailing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! think of the best posible day and double it!! me and eli(a really cool 6th grader) said it was the beste sailing experiance we have ever had. oh and here are "my new friends :P"
those are some pretty cool people right there :D oh and cant for get about sydney and kendall the coolest sail teachers ever!! <3 way funn and next yr SAILING 2222222222!
if u ever can do sailing FREAKING DO IT
oh and shopping really quick
i got like 4 or 5 shirts a pair of shorts a pair of leggings and a new bathing suit top!! ok that is all <3 u 3
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
sailing 2 &3
sailing day 2
we went to the mariana to sail what i learned how to...
-rig up the boat
-rig down the boat
-turn in the boat
twas a funn day oh and the boct(i think thats what its called) the engine ran out cuz we went so far out :D kendall
AHHH THEY JUST PLAYD JUSTIAN BEIBER ON 93.3!!!!(gag me with a spoon)
any way kendall had to swim back to the flat and get the moter boat to tow the boct :D it was funny.
sailing day #3
ok so tady was sailing day #3 and in the beginning there was NO wind so were just like ...... it was funny most people started to paddle. once we got to where we need to be the wind got really stong like JUST as the last person got on the boct the wind was like WOOOOSHHHHHH lawl
what i learned was how to-
-2 hand sheeting
- play tennis ball tag(tag w/ tennis balls and ur boat u tag people by hitting them with the tennis ball on some part of the boat)
-i can take down the best player at everyones it tag just by rock paper scissor's :D
but yeah it was just more sailing we played everyone's at pricherd park :D way more funn then it is a kc
so yeah oh and later i have soccer so i might post about that ♥ u 3
Monday, July 26, 2010
sailing day #1
how to...
- tip a boat
- get on a boat from the water
- put on a life jacket in the water
- tip the boat back up
- put together a boat
- fold the sail
- take apart the boat
- fold 3 knots
pretty awesome 2 morrow its day #2 at the marina :D
Sunday, July 25, 2010
walking for 6 hours.. not my forte
well im going sailing tomorrow :/ im really scared i dont wanna look like a dork i hate looking stupid. but yeah i'll tell u bout my first day of sailing after it happens. lawl. :D
Saturday, July 24, 2010
omg im soooo sorry
but any way yesterday as you know i went to kc and went swimming wait did u know that? well i did devon WAS there but he didnt go swimming... i think he might like meh(fingers grossed :DDD) but yeah.
oh near the end of the day he did this thing me made me flinch but did it like * made me flinch* him: "2 for flinching" *punches me twice* i did the same thing back....
it was funn but then phil got mad but who cares i hate him anyway... but yeah oh and he wants me to come back cuz he hates it cuz like everyone cool has left(that is true riley and me and will and john all left.... its pretty B-O-R-I-N-G there...) so hes basicly being tortured cuz now he HAS to hang with HELLA anoying 6th graders that act like 4 yr olds..... so yeah i'm gonna go there more cuz hes my buddy and h makes me laugh so hard. :DDD(if u want me to like you make me laugh and you should be set oh and be sweet :) haha not like any guys read this lawl) but yeah that was friday... today i made a paper ver. of Gir in a dog sute (but u kno all gir-ified) and the brain from pinky and the brain( i kno rite bitchen :P) and a paper kerby. earlyer i made a paper goomba and domo. here are some pics:

The Brain:------------------>



side note my mom has no clue what a goomba is OR who kirby is!!!! i know!!!!!!!!!!
well love u 3 :D i'll try and post 2morrow its gonna b a busy day :D
Thursday, July 22, 2010
oh and that post yesterday was just me being emo about me and jarrett :'( im still really sad(imma call him after this) but yeah....
so question what should i do? I NEED HALP!!!!!!(and dont u dare tell me i could do better cuz i dont wanna)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
i feel like everyones avoiding me, like no one cares about me or the depression im in now, like wants me around.... like i dont matter. why do i feel like this?
everyone says i can do better then him but im not sure i want to( they also say that 1 billion "better" guys like me but i dont see it....I FREAKING LOVE JARRETT BUT NO ONE GETS THAT I DONT WANNA DO BETTER!!!!(sorry im like dieing inside and people try to help which is great but it just makes me feel worse...)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
that waz funn but now mah feet hurt....
im back from my adventure to the lib. and kids club and safeway (no pool) @ the lib i saw Jacob Scott and im pretty sure i saw Ari P. at safeway...
what i bought : i got sushi(Cali rolls and salmon and tuna nigiri), coffee(DCCF), candy(starburst's and.....u guess it sour skittles) and 4 books(one piece 9&10 luxe and the absolutely true diary of a part time Indian) :D
funn funn oh and i saw sage kline and devon renolds at kids club there like the bestest people ever and i have a minor crush on devon......(kat!!!!) but yeah that was my epic adventure i took my flip and ill post the vids on my user name is soccersweetie999 search it and go to my channel it would be on the front page :D
ok so last night i was up till about 12:something maybe earlyer im not sure.(side note i fell asleep to Craig Ferguson he's awesome) but i was up not just watching tv i made lemon poppy seed muffins :DDDDDD the rock my monkey socks(and i do have monkey socks i promise ;D) but yeah i made some really good lemon poppy seed muffins
now for plans for 2day(7/20/10)
today like any other day i would normally just sit watch tv and go online but im actually gonna be DOING something(i kno rite big shock) im gonna go to the lib. there imma turn in 3 books and get a free book cuz i read for 10 hours(at my lib. if u read 10 hours u get a free book the more u read the more books[i think] and more chances to win a raffle) yay for me! then after imma go to open swim with kids club. kids club is a day care center for kids 3rd grade to the end of 6th grade(i used to go there but not im in 7th grade therefore i cant go :'( but its ok cuz every day from the end of school to 6:30 is boring then in the summer its either 6 am-2:30(the best) 9 am-5 (ok) 10 am- closing {about 6:45} (TORTURE) not the best but i still miss all the really awesome people.
so yeah thats my plans for 2day and what i did at 11:30 last night :D i'll ttyl my loves
Monday, July 19, 2010
I'm up!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
oh 2 followers hi!
well now that thats taken care of...
today is basically over for me i dont see myself doing anything worth typing so he was my day in a sour skittles shell:
1. relay for life. from 12m to 9:30-ish
2. recovering from freezing my ass of from relay. from 9:30-2ish
hey look a woodpecker...
3.late lunch early dinner w/ zack&jenn 2ish-5:30ish
4.home :D 5:30ish to now(6:40)
so yeah thats my day of and notes on what's up this sec my shoulder hurt like a bit*h so i put on some stuff to help it and its not helping and my shoulders cold(its like icy hot in gel form but im not sure if theres gonna be hot coming...) it suck monkey butt. :'( well till 2morrow gabbs and kat :D
p.s. i sure do like list huh....well the next post will FOR SURE have not one list. promis. ;D
This is me. deal.
1.My name is Gracie "skittles" Myers
2. As you might have guessed I love skittles mainly sour
3. I use ":D" I've been restraining from using :D in the last few sentences, it's hard. :D(sorry)
4. I'm very arty i draw anime people not comics or anything. I might post pics here.
5. I'm random. Very VERY random.
6. I dont like grammar or spelling I'm not one to capitalize or use punctuation so I'm just gonna type how i type starting NOW!!!
7. i use the computer alot.
8. i have alot of buddys(oh and i call friends buddys) i kno its arrogant but its true u want the truth here it is
well thats a little bit of me im not gonna tell you my life story cuz that would take to long to get though the first like 5 yrs of my life so...... yeah not gonna happen. i shall keep you posted im gonna go edit my blog(what it looks like) and go surf the web. ;D i leave you with this
Have you heard???