but any way yesterday as you know i went to kc and went swimming wait did u know that? well i did devon WAS there but he didnt go swimming... i think he might like meh(fingers grossed :DDD) but yeah.
oh near the end of the day he did this thing me made me flinch but did it like * made me flinch* him: "2 for flinching" *punches me twice* i did the same thing back....
it was funn but then phil got mad but who cares i hate him anyway... but yeah oh and he wants me to come back cuz he hates it cuz like everyone cool has left(that is true riley and me and will and john all left.... its pretty B-O-R-I-N-G there...) so hes basicly being tortured cuz now he HAS to hang with HELLA anoying 6th graders that act like 4 yr olds..... so yeah i'm gonna go there more cuz hes my buddy and h makes me laugh so hard. :DDD(if u want me to like you make me laugh and you should be set oh and be sweet :) haha not like any guys read this lawl) but yeah that was friday... today i made a paper ver. of Gir in a dog sute (but u kno all gir-ified) and the brain from pinky and the brain( i kno rite bitchen :P) and a paper kerby. earlyer i made a paper goomba and domo. here are some pics:

The Brain:------------------>



side note my mom has no clue what a goomba is OR who kirby is!!!! i know!!!!!!!!!!
well love u 3 :D i'll try and post 2morrow its gonna b a busy day :D
You Fogot Me!